- 5.6-mile major arterial roadway connecting Martin County and Port St. Lucie
- 2 Signalized Intersections at SR 714 and Citrus Grove Elementary School
- 65 Acre Flow-Thru-Marsh plus 9 Stormwater Detention Areas
- FDEP, ACOE, SFWMD, SHPO, FWCC, CPSL, and FDOT permitting W/ROW Acquisition
Colorado Avenue
Stuart, FL
- On-street parking, sidewalks and landscaped curb extensions
- Bike lanes, 10 ft. travel lanes, landscaped medians and roundabout
- Traffic calming conversion of 5-lane roadway to 2-lanes facility
- Multi-Jurisdictional Approvals and extensive inter-agency coordination
- Project was funded with CDBG Grant funds
California/University Roundabout
Port St. Lucie
- City of Port St. Lucie intersection improvement
- Data collection and size/orientation/lane Analysis
- Construction Plans, permitting and post-design services
- Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plans
MacArthur Blvd., Martin County/South Hutchinson Island
Martin County, FL
- Hurricane Restoration w/24-hour Construction, Engineering & Inspection services provided
- Expedited schedule to restore access and utility services to residents
- Over one-mile roadway, water, sewer, drainage, and dune restoration improvements
- Over one-mile of beach re-nourishment and reconstruction of the seawall at the historic, House of Refuge on Hutchinson Island